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island bracelets

Style is being yourself on purpose. Would you describe yours as “elegant”, “playful”, “artsy”? Maybe your style transcends definition. Island Bracelets, like style, never go out of season; and there’s an Island Bracelet (or stack!) that will add the finishing touch to your look! These hand-made crystal + pony bead bracelets are a beloved staple with endless variety. Interchangeable and sweet enough to eat, they make darling gifts for yourself or someone else.

Vintage Yellow

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rosaline mint green yellow turquoise 1022.jpeg
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yellow mint white orange rosaline 1022.jpeg
mint turquoise orange yellow 1022.jpeg
yellow mint jet 1027.jpeg
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rosaline mint green yellow turquoise 1022.jpeg
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yellow mint white orange rosaline 1022.jpeg
mint turquoise orange yellow 1022.jpeg
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Vintage Yellow


Vintage, early 20th century, Czech crystal, on our signature fresh water pearl slide.

Adjustable from approximately 6.5” - 8.5”, email us at for requests outside this measurement range and you will be accommodated!

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